A California appeals court is allowing a previously thrown out lawsuit over claimed injuries from a foul ball to proceed, questioning the validity of the “Baseball Rule” traditionally protecting teams from liability. (more…)

A California appeals court is allowing a previously thrown out lawsuit over claimed injuries from a foul ball to proceed, questioning the validity of the “Baseball Rule” traditionally protecting teams from liability. (more…)
Under proposed legislation, the Oakland A’s would receive an expedited judicial review process if a new ballpark project faces a legal challenge over environmental concerns. (more…)
In a totally unrelated case, the California Supreme Court made a ruling on contractors vs. employees that could end up affect an ongoing legal battle over back Minor League Baseball player wages. (more…)
When Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law abolishing California’s redevelopment agencies, many in baseball assumed public financing of ballparks was a thing of the past. Turns out the news may not be so terrible — but the circumstances are still troublesome. Tax-increment financing is a tried-and-true economic-development tool, and it’s occasionally used to build ballparks. […]
The prospects for a proposed new ballpark in Escondido for the Tucson Padres (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) are growing dimmer by the day, as the city is moving forward with planning of a clean-tech-oriented business park on the ballpark site. At the end of the day, having a clean-tech business hub on the 27 […]
A 4.5-acre plot of land targeted by Tucson Padres (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) owner Jeff Moorad for development adjacent to a new Escondido ballpark will instead be acquired by the city and could be used as part of a high-tech business park should ballpark plans fall through. Moorad’s reps had negotiated a purchase of […]
New ballparks in California for Major League Baseball and Minor League Baseball teams are again economically feasible, as California legislators reject an attempt by Gov. Jerry Brown to divert city and county economic-redevelopment funds to fund basic services. We’re talking three ballparks here: a new Oakland Athletics ballpark either in San Jose or Oakland; a […]
A vote on a proposed new ballpark in Escondido, Cal. has been delayed indefinitely by the City Council, as a final agreement between the city and team owner Jeff Moorad still needs to finalized, while the potential funding source remains in limbo. The vote has been delayed before, the last time to next week. Now […]
The new owners of the High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League) certainly are shaking things up in Adelanto: the team has cut ticket prices and implemented a new, flexible ticket return policy. When individual tickets go on sale, all lower box seats will be sold for $7.50 instead of the $8 price from […]
A vote on a new ballpark for the Tucson Padres (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) in Escondido, Cal., has been delayed once again, as the City Council grapples with budgeting in the wake of potential loss of redevelopment funds. The vote was scheduled for Feb. 16. It has been pushed back to March 2. It’s […]
The Chico Outlaws (independent; North American League) and Chico State University announced the team would be playing the 2011 season at the team’s only home in franchise history, Nettleton Stadium. “It will be good to be back at The Net, said Chico Outlaws President Mike Marshall. “We have been the most successful team in the […]
A proposal by Gov. Jerry Brown to shut down California‘s 425 redevelopment agencies could have a huge impact on the Oakland Athletics, as both San Jose and Oakland are planning on using redevelopment funds to help pay for a new ballpark. Both cities are planning on using a redevelopment agency as a base for the […]
A proposal by Gov. Jerry Brown to kill California‘s redevelopment agencies could also end up killing a proposed new ballpark for the Tucson Padres (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) in Escondido, as the state grapples with a crippling financial crisis and casting for ways to close a budget deficit. The proposal would close all 425 […]