Nice promo: the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) will be changing their team name to the Bergen Boulders — but just for a day. With Bergen County residents accounting for a good chunk of the team’s fan base — some 9 percent — and a ready sponsor in a local car dealership, the Boulders will […]
Tag Archives | rockland boulders
Boulders, we hardly knew ye; name change on tap
Well, this is quick: the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) have scheduled a press conference Saturday to announce the team’s new name. The team had its inaugural season in 2011. The announcement, set for Ramsey Nissan in Upper Saddle River, N.J., will involve some ticket giveaways and more. — Share your news with the baseball community. […]
Ramapo ballpark $300K shy of projected revenues
Provident Bank Park, the home of the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League), fell short of financial projections by more than $300,000, generating $734,100 in revenue in 2011 instead of an expected $1.1 million. The gap is important: taxpayers are on the hook for any gaps between actual revenues and projected revenues. The ballpark generated $421,600 […]
State: Provident Bank Park could end up costing taxpayers $60 million
The New York Comptroller’s Office says Ramapo (N.Y.) taxpayers could be on the hook for $60 million to pay off Provident Bank Park, not the projected $39 million. The ballpark is the home of the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League). Financing for the ballpark has been embroiled in controversy since day one. Voters initially rejected […]
Ramapo ballpark lawsuit dismissed
A lawsuit challenging the funding method for Provident Bank Park, the home of the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League), was dismissed after a judge ruled against the claims made by Preserve Ramapo. Supreme Court Justice Linda Jamieson ruled that the city and its economic-development corporation had not broken laws regarding funding for the facility, according […]
State Comptroller: Ramapo skirted laws in financing new ballpark
Ramapo (N.Y.) misused local development funds in financing Provident Bank Park, home of the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League), and will have difficulties in covering debt service on the facility, according to a draft audit from the state comptroller’s office. The draft, which will be final after Ramapo officials have a chance to respond. says […]
Boulders open new ballpark with sellout
Nice start for the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League): despite controversy and lawsuits surrounding the team’s new home, Provident Bank Park opened last night with a sellout crowd, a Boulders win and lots of happy fans. It sounds like a typical opening for the ballpark: almost everything was completed in time for the season opener, […]
New for 2011: Provident Bank Park
As we noted this weekend, Provident Bank has committed to a 10-year naming-rights deal for a new Ramapo, N.Y. ballpark housing the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League): the new ballpark will be called Provident Bank Park. The bank will pay $2.75 million over 10 years, a figure lower than Ramapo officials had expected during initial […]
Provident Bank to buy Ramapo naming rights
We have a new naming-rights deal on the horizon, as Provident Bank, the city of Ramapo and the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) are expected to announce a multi-year arrangement at a Tuesday press conference. No word on ths specifics, though we’re told the deal will run ten years and bring in a couple hundred […]
Judge: Ramapo ballpark construction will continue
It’s too late for ballpark opponents to shut down construction of a new Ramapo (N.Y.) ballpark for the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League), as a New York judge rules construction of the ballpark can continue in anticipation of a June opening. New York Supreme Court Justice Linda Jamieson held that with ballpark construction reaching the […]
Ramapo ballpark decision expected Monday
The battle over a new Ramapo (N.Y.) ballpark for the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) could see some sort of resolution Monday, after a court hearing last week where opponents will argue the project is being funded by the city in defiance of a referendum that prohibited city money used for construction. New York Supreme […]
Ramapo ballpark construction resumes; city faces fines
Construction of a new Ramapo, N.Y. ballpark for the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) is fully on again after state pollution officials shut things down for drainage violations but the city still might face fines over the incident. The New York Department of Environmental Conservation issued a stop-work order on the ballpark project earlier […]
State shuts down Ramapo ballpark construction — again
The town of Ramapo has been cited for violating environmental laws in the construction of a new ballpark for the Rockland Boulders (independent; Can-Am League) for the third time — and this time state officials shut down construction pending a plan to correct the problems. The state Department of Environmental Conservation shut down construction Friday […]