The Florence RedWolves (summer collegiate; Coastal Plain League) are on the verge of signing a two-year lease for Sparrow Stadium, extending the team’s stay at Francis Marion University.
Team owner Kevin Barth made the announcement at a local Rotary meeting. From SCnow:
“We’re still trying to figure out all the logistical issues,” Barth said, “but those who were wondering if we’re going to be back, I can tell you, without question, that not only are we going to be back, we’re going to be playing at Francis Marion for at least the next two years and hopefully longer.”
The team had played at a Legion field before league officials mandated an upgrade in facilities, so the team moved midseason to FMU. And while the team took a hit on the attendance front overall, Barth says revenues and attendance at Sparrow Stadium were actually up. Hence Barth’s enthusiasm for 2013 and 2014.
RELATED STORIES: RedWolves moving to FMU ballpark
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