We have personnel news to report from the Lake Elsinore Storm (High A; California League), Biloxi Shuckers (Class AA; Southern League), and the parent company of the Washington Wild Things (independent; Frontier League). (more…)

We have personnel news to report from the Lake Elsinore Storm (High A; California League), Biloxi Shuckers (Class AA; Southern League), and the parent company of the Washington Wild Things (independent; Frontier League). (more…)
Over the last several years, the connection between Minor League Baseball and the craft beer industry has steadily grown—and that trend will continue in 2016. Along with keeping their team branded beers on the menu, many clubs are rolling out craft beer nights, beer fests, and more to further the bond between baseball and microbrews. (more…)
Here are the top stories published on Ballpark Digest the past week. Plus, a look at the numbers generated by Ballpark Digest users after the transition to the new publishing system; quite honestly, we’re pretty amazed at the response. First off: some numbers for you Web types to chew on. Since we moved to the […]