The area surrounding Durham Bulls Athletic Park is turning into quite the robust neighborhood, as plans for more dense urban-style development were unveiled.
DBAP, home of the Durham Bulls (Class AAA; International League), has seen a fair share of profitable development surrounding the ballpark, including projects initiated by team ownership, and the ballpark is already ringed with office spaces. This one, slated for a 6.1-acre site past right field, could be a major one. Developer Northwood Ravin, a major player in the region, has purchased the Van Alen property (a former car dealership) and plans a dense mixed-use development on the site. There’s no specific plan for the property; it could end up being a mix of office, residential, retail and hotels.
This does highlight a trend we’re seeing recently: neighborhoods anchored by ballparks are increasingly attracting development dollars. Whether it be the apartment complex under construction at Cooley Law School Stadium in Lansing or the office tower pitched in Charlotte or projects in other cities we’re not at liberty to discuss. Dense, urban mixed-use neighborhoods rely on variety of offerings to attract business and residents, and a ballpark is seen by many as the perfect compliment to that development.
Image courtesy Northwood Ravin.