With no more pro soccer impacting operations, the Louisville Bats (Class AAA; International League) have unveiled $7 million in upgrades to Louisville Slugger Field, already a leading ballpark in Minor League Baseball.
The announced improvements come after the Bats shared the ballpark with a Louisville USL Championship soccer team for several years. With the soccer team now firmly ensconced in its own stadium–which we hope to cover in 2021 on our Soccer Stadium Digest site–the Bats had the freedom to move with a slew of upgrades, including:
- Two new bars in the outfield. The Triple Play Bar also serves as a social area.
- An expanded kids area, adding to what already was a notable commitment to family entertainment. The four-tiered lawn seating is in the right-field corner.
- A widened concourse.
- Extended netting.
- Three new LED videoboards.
- The removal of bleachers, opening up space for these improvements.
- A new premium seating area, the On Deck Club, was installed being home plate, with padded theatre-style seats. The front row of the new seats is just 50 feet from the batter.

Renderings courtesy Louisville Bats.
RELATED STORIES: Louisville Slugger Field Upgrades in the Works; Louisville Bats Extend Lease Through 2038