Lots of Madison Mallards (summer collegiate; Northwoods League) news today: the team released plans for a protesting Maynard G. Mallard bobblehead, suitable for the political message of your choice.
The reference, of course, is to the protests over the course of Wisconsin state government after Gov. Scott Walker led a move to limit the collective bargaining rights of many state employees while also increasing their contributions to benefits. The protests attracted hundreds of thousands of protests to the State Capitol and attracted the attention of the nation. The sign will be blank, and fans can write in their own message. Fans will receive the bobblehead at the July 1 Mallards game.
Image courtesy of the Madison Mallards; it was drawn by John Kovalic.
RELATED STORIES: Mallards to host 2012 Northwoods League All-Star Game; Mallards unveil 2012 Waner Park renovations for 2012; 2011 Renovation of the Year: Warner Park / Madison Mallards; Renovation work begins on Madison’s Duck Pond
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