As long as we’re on the subject of facial hair, the Staten Island Yankees (short season A; NY-Penn League) are holding a “Fake Mustache World Record Attempt Night” on the season opener Friday.
The team will be going for an officially recognized world record, with an observer from the Guinness Book of World Records on hand. Interestingly, the record — some 2,685, set last summer — is held by another NY-Penn League team, the Tri-City ValleyCats. From
Team CEO Steve Violetta knows the odds are in his favor since a sellout of 7,171 is virtually guaranteed with only a handful of remaining tickets available. Fans will be handed fake mustaches as they enter the park.
“We’ll give you a fake mustache and probably somewhere in the third inning we’ll ask everybody to put them on,” said Violetta. “We have to keep them on for five minutes at that point to make it official, and we’ll have people recording the world record.
“The record is only around 2,700 so we’re confident we’ll smash it and hold it for a long time to come.”
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