One unfortunate side effect to offseason renovations from the Chicago Cubs: Wrigleyville residents say demolition of the iconic Wrigley Field bleachers has unleashed a plague of rats in the surrounding neighborhood. (more…)

One unfortunate side effect to offseason renovations from the Chicago Cubs: Wrigleyville residents say demolition of the iconic Wrigley Field bleachers has unleashed a plague of rats in the surrounding neighborhood. (more…)
A cemetery is sponsoring free parking at Worcester Bravehearts (summer collegiate; Futures League) games with a simple message: “Please consider WCMP for your final parking spot.” Worcester County Memorial Park has agreed to pay the parking fees at Hanover Insurance Park at Fitton Field parking garage. Located just a few hundred feet from the main […]
Seeking to allay concerns about parking near Regions Field, the Birmingham Barons (Class AA; Southern League) unveiled an agreement with Children’s Hospital for the use of three surface lots within a two-block radius of the new downtown ballpark. Additionally, fans will have access to street parking spaces and other public parking locations within two blocks […]
A proposed Tampa Bay Rays ballpark site in St. Petersburg’s Carillon Business Park may have one fatal flaw: the total lack of parking in the mostly developed 432-acre complex. On the plus side, the site sits near an exit from the Howard Frankland Bridge, the almost-five-mile bridge connecting St. Pete and Tampa and could provide a nice view […]
With parking ramps not generating nearly the amount of revenue anticipated by city officials, the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp. is soliciting developers to pitch a plan for a high-end hotel next to Yankee Stadium. When the new Yankee Stadium was being designed, city officials converted some park land to parking ramps. The result was […]
A proposed lease between the Frederick Keys (High Class A; Carolina League) and the city for Harry Grove Stadium will be reevaluated after city aldermen questioned why a higher bid from the independent Atlantic League was rejected. City officials will meet with Keys officials today to address some of these shortcomings — specifically, in the […]
A dispute over control of parking lots at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington has landed the current and former owners of the Texas Rangers in court, with the team alleging Tom Hicks is poised to gouge fans attending games. UPDATED When Rangers Baseball Express bought the Texas Rangers from Tom Hicks, they also entered into […]
The New York Yankees demanded a raft of parking spots in ramps surrounding the new Yankee Stadium, but given the great public-transportation options to the ballpark, game-day usage never exceeded 60 percent — and the company running the ramps is on the verge of default on the bonds used to build them. In retrospect, demanding […]
It is the most scenic ballpark in the Cactus League, bar none. With buttes beyond the left-field fence, a striking Spanish-style exterior and a relatively remote location that paradoxically offers easy freeway access, Tempe Diablo Stadium is a gem, a must-visit for anyone hitting Phoenix in March. FAST FACTS Year Opened: 1968; renovated several times […]
Facing opposition from the city and area businesses, a developer has dropped plans for an event space a block from TD Ameritrade Park, the home of the College World Series, and will instead pave the space for parking and corporate tent space. Developer Jerry Banks had already received Omaha Planning Board approval for the $1.2 […]
It’s not every day when an icon manages to meet your expectations, never mind exceed them. But Fenway Park, the Mecca for everyone interested in balkparks on any level, not only meets expectations but shatters them. It is true that at Fenway the grass is greener, the hot dogs are tastier, and the fans more […]