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Hicks, Rangers back in court

Texas RangersA dispute over control of parking lots at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington has landed the current and former owners of the Texas Rangers in court, with the team alleging Tom Hicks is poised to gouge fans attending games. UPDATED


When Rangers Baseball Express bought the Texas Rangers from Tom Hicks, they also entered into an agreement with Hicks to “operate, manage and maintain” parking lots around the ballpark for the 2010 and 2011 seasons, with the end goal eventually controlling all the land through acquisition or lease.

Hicks, however, chose to terminate the agreement in February when the team announced it would not raise parking rates for 2011 ($10 per car, $5 special on Friday nights). The two sides agreed to extend the agreement for the first two homestands during discussions over its future.

We’re now through the first two series, and Rangers Baseball Express must have been told by Hicks to prepare for a huge hike in parking fees, because the firm filed suit in Tarant County to prevent any changes in the pricing structure, saying it was “despicable” Hicks would choose to gouge customers. They’re suing for breach of contract.

UPDATE: The Rangers won a temporary restraining order this morning, meaning the terms of the previous contract apply. Another hearing has been scheduled for two weeks hence, but both sides report they’re negotiating in good faith and are close to a settlement.


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