After delaying a season opener to August, the Mexican League announced plans to cancel the entire 2020 campaign after determining player/coach safety could not be assured–and will map out its own future in the meantime. (more…)

After delaying a season opener to August, the Mexican League announced plans to cancel the entire 2020 campaign after determining player/coach safety could not be assured–and will map out its own future in the meantime. (more…)
Has there ever been a better year for new and improved ballparks? You can add another good-looking facility to the 2019 list: Estadio Diablos, home of the Mexico League’s Mexico Red Devils (Diablos Rojos). (more…)
Baseball could be back at Uni-Trade Stadium in 2018, as a revival of the Mexican League‘s Tecolotes is closer to securing an agreement to use the ballpark. (more…)
Progress continues to be made on Estadio Diablos, which the Mexico City Red Devils (Mexican League) recently reported as being more than 50% complete. (more…)
The Mexico City Red Devils (Mexican League) are hoping that a new ballpark will help increase fan interest. (more…)
We conclude our listings of 2013 Minor League Baseball attendance with a ranking of the 176 teams by average, perhaps the most accurate way to assess the health of a team. This concludes our listing of 2013 attendance for affiliated teams. Summer-collegiate attendance has already been posted, with independent baseball covered after the Atlantic League season ends. […]
While ballpark developments this week have pleased El Paso baseball fans, they represent bad news for Tucson Padres (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) fans, who once again must deal with the loss of affiliated ball. It’s been no secret that the T-Padres were a short-term play at Kino Stadium; Jeff Moorad and crew were working […]