Visiting a historic old ballpark in Kenosha, remembering Don Zimmer, and the unveiling of a new ballpark plan in Hartford were the top stories of the past week on Ballpark Digest, as measured by page views. Here they are: Simmons Field / Kenosha KingfishIn memoriam: Don ZimmerOriole Park in line to host 2016 ASG?Hartford ballpark […]
Tag Archives | kalamazoo growlers
Kalamazoo off to strong start in summer-collegiate ball
Fresh off setting a league record for the largest attendance total in a debut game, the Kalamazoo Growlers (summer collegiate; Northwoods League) are off to a strong start, as baseball returns to Homer Stryker Field. As you’ll recall, Stryker Field was home to independent Frontier League teams for several years, then sat empty after Kalamazoo […]
Kalamazoo to prep selfie unis this summer
We’ve had teams create jerseys with fan hashtags, but the Kalamazoo Growlers (summer collegiate; Northwoods League) are going one step beyond by creating a jersey this season made up of selfies. The team is planning the Salute to Selfie Night on Thursday, July 24, but collecting the selfies now through April 1. To participate in […]
Growlers, Bell’s Brewery strike ballpark deal
Well, this certainly is a natural: the Kalamazoo Growlers (summer collegiate; Northwoods League) and local brewery Bell’s have struck a deal to offer the high-end suds at Stryker Field. There’s also a pun involved with the natural partnership: besides being a bear, a growler is also a beer container. “We are thrilled to partner with […]
New for 2014: Kalamazoo Growlers
The newest team in the summer-collegiate Northwoods League has a name: the Kalamazoo Growlers, playing out of Homer Stryker Field beginning in 2014. The new name and logos were released at an opening event at Homer Stryker Field; along with introductions of the team manager, coaching staff, two players for the 2014 season, and a […]