A happy Opening Day to you and yours! Every team is tied for first, a full schedule lies ahead, and crowds pack into ballparks with best-case scenarios buzzing about their heads. (more…)

A happy Opening Day to you and yours! Every team is tied for first, a full schedule lies ahead, and crowds pack into ballparks with best-case scenarios buzzing about their heads. (more…)
He designed two of the most iconic sporting facilities in America, both over 100 years ago. Meet Zachary Taylor Davis, a peer of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, and the architect behind Wrigley Field and Comiskey Park. (more…)
Between now and New Year’s Eve we’ll run down the top ten stories covered on Ballpark Digest in 2014, determined by page views. At #2: an amazing film from the 1919 World Series. (more…)
On Tax Day, it’s appropriate to remember America’s most notorious tax cheat, Al Capone, was a baseball fan at heart; here he is with Cubs catcher Gabby Hartnett during a White Sox/Cubs game at Comiskey Park. The game was a September 9, 1931 exhibition fundraiser long before the start of interleague play. Capone, far right, was there […]
Here’s a nice promotion to end the season for the Chicago White Sox: longtime organist Nancy Faust, the woman who gave us “Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye” at the ballpark, will be honored with her very own bobblehead on the eve of her retirement. Faust began playing organ at the original Comiskey Park […]
Commonly referred to as Chicago’s other baseball team, the American League White Sox reside at 35th Street and Shields and play at U.S. Cellular Field (Comiskey Park until 2003). While “The Cell” does not have nearly the romantic history of its rival in Wrigleyville or the “Old” Comiskey Park, it’s a vastly underrated ballpark. FACT […]