The Frederick Keys (High Class A; Carolina League) will have the ability to sell naming rights to Harry Grove Stadium under the terms of an amended lease.
The Keys and the city negotiated a deal where the Harry Grove name would remain on the facility in some fashion, as well as a 65-35 revenue split. From the Frederick News-Post:
The change comes as the city attempts to get new revenue to pay for the cost of operating the stadium, which is about $42,000 per year for the next 10 years.
Aldermen approved in October a change that will allow advertising and signage outside of the stadium in the complex.
RELATED STORIES: Frederick eyes ballpark signage to raise funds; Naming rights under debate in Frederick; Controversy dogs Keys lease negotiations to the end; Keys, Frederick on verge of 10-year Harry Grove Stadium lease; Keys lease raising debate in Frederick; Frederick reopens ballpark lease negotiations; Keys, Frederick have draft lease; aldermen want more information; Frederick committee recommends Keys retain ballpark lease; Two bids submitted for Frederick lease; Keys: We want to stay in Frederick; Frederick: Affiliated team to have advantage in ballpark bidding; Frederick to put ballpark lease to bid; Keys on market; Ballpark Visit: Harry Grove Stadium / Frederick Keys
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