No one wants to feel like they’re just one small voice in a very large crowd, so MLB teams are turning to personalization technology to enhance the fan experience, both in terms of addressing current concerns and anticipating future needs. (more…)

No one wants to feel like they’re just one small voice in a very large crowd, so MLB teams are turning to personalization technology to enhance the fan experience, both in terms of addressing current concerns and anticipating future needs. (more…)
When the 2020 MLB season was shut down in mid-March, training went from a group activity to an individual quest. Here’s one story about how sports tech has helped an MLB aspirant prep for upcoming play. (more…)
We know that high tech has invaded pro baseball, but this year’s College World Series final game showcases two university programs that can credit trackers, sensors and more as key parts of their success. (more…)
Choosing the right venue management system for your stadium, arena or outdoor event can be an overwhelming task. In today’s fast-paced tech world, new functionality and technology is coming fast and furious, so management should know some new trends in the sports tech industry. Look for this new functionality to make a difference on how and […]