Though St. Paul officials say nothing is amiss, Minnesota officials are viewing whether the decision to award the design/construction contracts for a new St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) ballpark with no competitive bidding violates state guidelines. The issue: usually government contracts are awarded after some kind of competitive bidding, but after the Minnesota Department […]
Tag Archives | minnesota department of employment and economic development
Dayton confirms: $25M for new Saints ballpark
The final step in funding a new St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) is complete, as Gov. Mark Dayton signs off on $25 million in state bonding proceeds for the project. Earlier this week the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) recommended the spending, out of 90 projects submitted to be part of $47.5 million […]
“Save Midway” group springs up once again
Peter Boehm has been fighting new-ballpark efforts by the St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) for more than a decade, and he’s back in action, arguing against a new downtown facility in a local paper. He posted his reasoning at, saying that spending $54 million on a new ballpark isn’t the best use of […]
St. Paul approves Saints funding deal; next up, state funds
As expected, the St. Paul City Council today approved a $27-million funding package for a new Lowertown St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) ballpark, as both sides await word on a matching state grant. The package calls for the city to pay $17 million toward the new ballpark project ($8.5 million in bonds, repaid over […]
St. Paul expected to approve Saints ballpark plan Wednesday
The St. Paul City Council is expected to approve a funding plan for a new Lowertown St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) ballpark despite half of the money for the facility still up in the air. The cost of the project is $54 million. The financing plan calls for St. Paul to issue $8.5 million […]
Saints, Huskies ballparks pitched for Minnesota state funds
Proposals for a new St. Paul Saints ballpark and renovations to Wade Stadium, home of the Duluth Huskies, have been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. DEED has $47.5 million to spend on capital improvements across the state as a result of the bonding bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature in the […]
St. Paul: We’ll request economic-development funds for new Saints ballpark
It’s more than a little premature, but St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has informed the state his city will request $27 million for a new St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) ballpark. Why premature? The state hasn’t even put together the criteria for how the money will be allocated. The Minnesota Legislature, in making the […]
Duluth: We’ll continue seeking state funds for Wade Stadium renovations
Duluth officials say they’ll continue seeking state funds for a renovation of the WPA-era Wade Stadium, home of the Duluth Huskies (summer collegiate; Northwoods League). Wade Stadium is in need of repairs and upgrades. The Huskies and Duluth officials have put forth a $8.1 million renovation plan, one that keeps the historic nature of the ballpark while upgrading […]
St. Paul officials confident in scoring state aid for Saints ballpark
A day after the Minnesota Legislature wrapped up its 2012 session with dramatic funding of a Minnesota Vikings stadium, it appears the St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) may be a winner as well. We wrote several days ago about the Saints project being shut out of any direct funding in the legislative bonding bill […]
Saints ballpark funding alive — but just barely
State funding for a new St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) ballpark is still alive, but will be a long shot as the Minnesota Legislature finalizes its bonding plan for the 2012 session. Gov. Mark Dayton had included $27 million in state money in his initial bonding request to the Legislature, but neither chamber included […]