Though there’s still plenty up in the air regarding the baseball season, some 2021 college baseball tournaments are planned for January and February, as schools finalize their schedules. (more…)

Though there’s still plenty up in the air regarding the baseball season, some 2021 college baseball tournaments are planned for January and February, as schools finalize their schedules. (more…)
The Round Rock Express and Dell Diamond will host the 2021 Triple-A All-Star Game, showcasing the best of the International and Pacific Coast leagues for the first time. (more…)
The 2019 season brings a unique amenity to the Round Rock Express‘ (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) Dell Diamond, as the new Home Run Dugout has been added to the ballpark. (more…)
The Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) will debut a new amenity at Dell Diamond next season, as Austin-based startup Home Run Dugout will open a sports bar and restaurant facility at the ballpark. (more…)
Dell Diamond, home of the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League), was turned into a post-apocalyptic TV set for AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead in the 2017-2018 offseason. The process of restoring the ballpark from TV set was completed on a tight schedule, earning the Express our Best Ballpark Improvement (Under $1 Million) Award. (more…)
It was a most exciting and secretive offseason for the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League), as the Dell Diamond was transformed into a production site for the hit AMC TV show Fear the Walking Dead and its fictional team, the Armadillos. (more…)
After the field was hit with a rare mutation, the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) are undertaking a replacement project at Dell Diamond. (more…)
Just a few years ago, it might have seemed like you were driving through miles of empty farmland to get to the Dell Diamond, home of the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League). (more…)
Issues with travel and the lack of power at Zephyr Field led the New Orleans Zephyrs and the Pacific Coast League tp scrap the final series of the year, scheduled for this weekend, against the Iowa Cubs. “Given the extensive impact of Hurricane Isaac on airline schedules, municipal infrastructure, and the safety and well-being of people […]
An upcoming series between the New Orleans Zephyrs and Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) has been moved to the Dell Diamond because of Tropical Storm Isaac. A state of emergency has been declared in New Orleans, in anticipation of the tropical storm potentially arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Zephyrs will travel to […]
To coincide with their new status as the top farm team of the Texas Rangers, the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) unveiled new colors and logos that are reminiscent of the colors and look of the Rangers. The rebranding includes a new primary mark, new secondary marks, new colors and new uniforms. […]
Tired of long lines at ballpark concessions stands? The Round Rock Express are instituting a Bypass Lane at the Dell Diamond so fans can order items on their smartphones and skip the lines. Ryan-Sanders Baseball and the Round Rock Express (Class AAA; Pacific Coast League) announced the introduction of the Bypass Lane at the Dell […]
ll you really need to know about the Dell Diamond is this: it feels like it’s in the middle of a former pasture. Whether the site was a pasture in the past or not is fairly irrelevant; the more important point is that the home of the Round Rock Express benefits from a bucolic setting. […]