The City of Adelanto, CA and the ownership of the bygone High Desert Mavericks (High A; California League) have reached a settlement over a disputed ballpark lease, with the city to pay $3.8 million to the team owners. (more…)

The City of Adelanto, CA and the ownership of the bygone High Desert Mavericks (High A; California League) have reached a settlement over a disputed ballpark lease, with the city to pay $3.8 million to the team owners. (more…)
In the aftermath of the arrival of the High Desert Yardbirds (independent; Pecos League), Adelanto officials are revealing some details about the team’s agreement to use Adelanto Stadium. (more…)
We have a legal decision to report: the High Desert Mavericks (High A; California League) ownership has won a preliminary injunction against the City of Adelanto‘s attempt to evict the team from Heritage Field this season and beyond. (more…)
We’re not sure this constitutes a trend, but there are certainly are similarities to the way California cities are treating two teams — the High Desert Mavericks (High A; California League) and the Marysville Gold Sox (summer collegiate; Great West League) — over existing ballpark leases. (more…)
The City of Adelanto has terminated the Heritage Field lease held by the High Desert Mavericks (High A; California League) on the premise that the agreement negotiated in 2012 violates the California State Constitution. (more…)
The city of Adelanto (Cal.) has rejected an unsolicited $1.6-million offer for Mavericks Stadium, home of the High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League). (more…)
The High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League) will be in Adelanto for at least three more years after signing a new lease for Stater Brothers Stadium. The deal, which kicks in next season, is slightly different than the team’s current lease. The team will pay less in rent after assuming the costs of field maintenance, […]
After years of apparent apathy toward the High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League), Adelanto officials now say they want the team to commit to a longer-term lease at Stater Bros. Stadium. Why the change of heart? Money. The ballpark was once viewed as a drain on city resources and the site of potential redevelopment, […]
The new owners of the High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League) certainly are shaking things up in Adelanto: the team has cut ticket prices and implemented a new, flexible ticket return policy. When individual tickets go on sale, all lower box seats will be sold for $7.50 instead of the $8 price from […]
Professional Sports Catering, LLC, in conjunction with Main Street Baseball announced that Professional Sports Catering will manage the food and beverage operation at Stater Bros. Field, home of the High Desert Mavericks (High Class A; California League). The partnership between PSC and Main Street Baseball began in 2009 with the ownership group’s other team, the […]