Apparently it’s not a done deal that the Sonoma Stompers (independent; Pacific Association) will play at Arnold Field, so the team has scheduled a community meeting to pitch the plan.
The meeting is set for Sonoma Community Center, on Saturday, February 15, from 11:30 a.m-1 p.m. From the team’s press release:
In an effort to bring the joy and fun of professional baseball back to Sonoma County, the Sonoma Stompers invite neighbors, local business owners, and others who wish to learn more about the team’s proposal. It is the team’s hope to play their home games at historic Arnold Field, while offering affordable family fun and entertainment.
Stompers ownership and staff will present a number of positive results that come with the Stompers playing in Sonoma, including: summer jobs for local high school students and young adults, community outreach by Stompers players and staff, improvements to Arnold Field that benefit all baseball in Sonoma, and promotional opportunities for local businesses.
RELATED STORIES: Pacific Association returns in 2014 with new Sonoma team
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