It’s official: opening of a new Potomac Nationals (High Class A; Carolina League) ballpark will be pushed back to 2016 after a naming-rights deal took longer than anticipated to close.
Owner Art Silber was hoping to wrap up the naming-rights deal in time for a 2015 opening, but negotiation delays for the $15-million deal caused him to push back the ballpark opening a year. However, Silber says the naming rights should be sold shortly, per Inside NOVA:
“At the moment, we’re pretty close to concluding an arrangement with a major entity,” Silber said in a recent interview.
The team has already secured smaller sponsorship deals for other parts of the ballpark, including the ground-level entry way, a second-story “club level,” which will feature a fine-dining restaurant open year-round and a third-level “party deck,” which will include a crab shack, beer garden and children’s playground.
“We’ve had just a tremendous response from our marketing people,” Silber said. “[Sponsors] understand the amount of value they can build by working with us.”
A ballpark plan should be supplied to Prince William County planners, and that process should take upwards of a year. The ballpark has already received some criticism for the potential of bringing more traffic to what’s already a busy area. The below-grade facility will feature 16 suites, a club-level restaurant and a third-story party deck.
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