Our day was spent on a vitally important task: putting the final touches on the many, many listings on our Spring Training Online site, so now you have the tools to begin planning your February and March travels.
To be honest, its been hard to track all the schedule and reporting-date changes and additions to the spring-training slate: changes were being slipstreamed as of last week, when two new games were added to the Cactus League and Grapefruit League schedules. In addition, some reporting dates were changed after first being announced in October and November. And while there’s always the chance more games could be added, we’re pretty sure what’s posted on the Spring Training Online site is as solid as can be expected, given that pitchers and catchers are reporting in a month.
Some stories to note from Spring Training Online today:
Brevard County to pitch Nats on long-term commitment to Space Coast Stadium
Though the Washington Nationals ownership has openly talked about a move from Viera, Brevard County officials say they’ll make a play to keep the team at Space Coast Stadium with a new package of incentives that includes air-travel subsidies and complex upgrades.
Tigers to open BP early — for a price
The Detroit Tigers will allow fans into Joker Marchant Stadium early for home batting practice — but fans will be limited to the left-field berm and need to pony up an extra $5.
A’s, Mesa agree on HoHoKam Park move in 2015
While the final details still need to be worked out, the Oakland Athletics and the city of Mesa have signed a memorandum of understanding for the A’s to train at HoHoKam Park and Fitch Park, beginning in 2015.
As a bonus, we’re able to include game schedules in the upcoming Complete Guide to Spring Training; we’ll have ordering information for the print and eBook editions tomorrow.
Again, check out the schedules and game info on Spring Training Online. It’s time.
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