Disclosure is the issue, as local activists say negotiations for a new Florida Marlins ballpark occurred behind closed doors in violation of the state’s Sunshine laws.
Two anti-ballpark activists have filed suit to prevent the city of Miami and Miami-Dade County from considering agreements regarding a new Florida Marlins ballpark, saying private meetings a year ago and earlier this month violate the state’s Sunshine laws, which prevent elected officials from meeting privately to discuss public business.
The lawsuit asks Miami-Dade Circuit Cour to immediately order the government entities to scrap the proposed Baseball Stadium Agreement. This tactic was already tried in court and failed: auto magnate Norm Braman made the same exact argument during his 2008 lawsuit, but a judge ruled government officials held all appropriate meetings in public.
The twist: the pair also argue meetings earlier this month between city, county, Marlins and MLB officials after a proposed ballpark agreement was scrapped also violate the state’s Sunshine laws.
The dates for reconsideration of the Marlins ballpark have been changed yet again; next week the city will consider the plan, with the county the week after.
RELATED STORIES: Always read the fine print, as Marlins fans are discovering; Marlins ballpark vote delayed until March 12; Total borrowing cost of new Marlins ballpark: $1.9 billion