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Tortugas Adjust Fireworks So Osprey Aren’t Disturbed

Daytona TortugasWe see a lot of press releases at Ballpark Digest HQ, but this one was kinda sweet: the Daytona Tortugas (High A; Florida State League) shifted their fireworks launch location so as not to affect an osprey nest in the left-field light pole.

The Tortugas shifted their firework shows from the left-center field section of the ballpark to the right field side, away from the osprey. The change took place with Friday night’s postgame fireworks show.

“We have worked feverishly to find a resolution that would both continue to provide great entertainment to our fans, as well as help to protect the Osprey and wildlife located in our ballpark,” said Ryan Keur, Tortugas team president, in a press release. “We believe that this is the best and most constructive resolution to the issue to ensure the safety of the Osprey.”

Keur and the Tortugas had spent the week working with the Florida Wildlife Commission, City of Daytona Beach to figure out the best plan. On Wednesday night, the Tortugas, in conjunction with the City of Daytona Beach, used a drone to make sure the osprey nest was in fact active.

With the fireworks shifted to right field, the osprey will now be unaffected and safe from any debris.

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