A proposed Biloxi ballpark for a Class AA Southern League team has hit some more opposition, as some councilmen want to see it located elsewhere in the city, and more opponents seek public input.
We already once covered the effort by the Steps Coalition to force a referendum on the ballpark-funding issue; leaders of that group were joined by the local NAACP chapters to call for a vote. They’ve been joined by the Taxpayers Coalition in opposing public funding of the facility. The groups have until Tuesday to collect 1,500 signatures, which would force a vote.
And pretty much doom any chance of a new ballpark opening for the 2014 season. We’re already pretty late in the construction process for cities wanting a new ballpark opening in 2014 needs to have begun construction by now, and Biloxi is already behind the eight-ball when it comes to selling bonds, signing contracts and finalizing financing. A referendum, even if unsuccessful, would push an opening to 2015.
A rally for supporters of the new ballpark has been scheduled for this afternoon. Meanwhile, ballpark opponents will continue to gather signatures — and by the middle of next week we’ll find other whether a 2014 opening is on the agenda.
Rendering courtesy of Dale Associates Architects.
RELATED STORIES: Biloxi group wants referendum on new ballpark; Bennett, Young, Bryant unveil plans for new Biloxi ballpark; Bennett: We can open Biloxi ballpark in 2014; Biloxi commits to borrowing $21 million for new ballpark; Another run at affiliated ball in Biloxi; Talk about Biloxi ballpark emerges again
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