Sections of seating at Bringhurst Field, home of the Alexandria Aces (summer collegiate; Texas Collegiate League), will be closed to the public, but the Aces will finish their season at the historic ballpark.
The issue: portions of the metal grandstand have deteriorated to the point where the bleacher seating is unsafe. Those sections are now closed The Aces’ season runs through Aug. 11, but after that the entire ballpark will be closed to the public while the city evaluates the ballpark’s future — and it sounds like many in City Hall want to put money into the 1933 ballpark:
“It’s incredibly important to our identity,” Alexandria Mayor Jacques M. Roy at a Thursday press conference. “Just like the zoo, these are quality of life things. If you continue to give up the historical assets you have, whether it’s the (Hotel) Bentley or anything else, you’re going to lose some of your identity.”
Meanwhile, Aces owner Eric Moran says he plans to return to Bringhurst Field next season; we’ll see what condition the ballpark is in.
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