The cost of a new Amarillo ballpark could be $48.4 million — as opposed to the original $32 million estimate for an independent ballpark — if the city wants to attract affiliated baseball. (more…)

The cost of a new Amarillo ballpark could be $48.4 million — as opposed to the original $32 million estimate for an independent ballpark — if the city wants to attract affiliated baseball. (more…)
Amarillo officials are looking at bringing in Brailsford & Dunlavey and spending an additional $18 million to lure the San Antonio Missions (Class AA; Texas League) to a new downtown ballpark — which, at the present, is a long shot. (more…)
Amarillo voters approved a new downtown $32-million multi-purpose event venue (MPEV) in a nonbinding referendum, by a margin of 52 to 48 percent. (more…)
A lot of Amarillo residents and a few observers in the baseball world will be closely watching the results of a Tuesday referendum on a new downtown ballpark. But will the nonbinding referendum really matter? (more…)
Proponents of a new downtown Amarillo Multi-Purpose Event Venue (MPEV) say they have commitments for 12 suite purchases in the new facility, as a referendum on the project is set for the beginning of November. (more…)
Amarillo voters continue their debate over public funding for a new downtown ballpark, as local business leaders push for a new Multi-Purpose Event Venue (MPEV) over the objections of taxpayers. (more…)