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Tag Archives | detroit economic growth corp

New plan for Tiger Stadium site: youth baseball, mixed-use development

With the first proposed plan for the Tiger Stadium site that makes any sense, the city of Detroit is seeking bids for a mixed-use development that would maintain the historic playing field for youth baseball. A major player is already involved: Detroit PAL, a nonprofit youth sports organization, has committed to building a 10,000-square-foot headquarters […]

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Detroit officials: Let’s compromise on Tiger Stadium development

Detroit city officials are seeking a “compromise” on a potential Tiger Stadium development, as they eye a pot of federal funds controlled by Sen. Carl Levin and the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy. George Jackson, CEO of the Detroit Economic Growth Corp. (DEGC) and a noted opponent of baseball-related activity on the Tiger Stadium site (his […]

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MLB pitches youth academy for Tiger Stadium site

Officials with Major League Baseball Urban Youth Academy are preparing a plan for a baseball academy at the old Tiger Stadium site, but Detroit officials are dismissing the plan as a “scam.” Darrell Miller, MLB vice president of youth and facility development, has been touring Detroit sites for a potential youth-baseball academy and has discussed […]

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