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Pigging out at the park: the eight-pound StrasBurger

Washington Nationals

We have an early contender for the most noteworthy food item at a ballpark this season: the Washington Nationals will be offering an eight-pound hamburger, the StrasBurger.

From the Nationals PR department, this news about a burger to be sold at the Red Porch concession area:

Weighing eight pounds total (including toppings), the StrasBurger is a monstrous all beef burger (combination of ground brisket, chuck and short ribs). The burger is served on a large burger bun with our secret sauce, American cheese, shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced red onions, pickle chips and served with a cone basket of fresh cut fries and a pitcher of your choice of soft drink. This signature dish is the perfect entrée to share at this affordably-priced family restaurant.

Eight pounds.

Envision a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder, multiply that by at least 32, and you have the approximate size of the StrasBurger.

The Nats have settled on the Red Porch as where many signature food items are sold: the menu is expanding and microbrews from the likes of the Dogfish Head and Flying Dog breweries will be available as well.

Eight pounds.


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