A milestone to note: yesterday saw the groundbreaking of a new Franklin, Wisconsin ballpark for an independent American Association team and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee baseball program.
The new ballpark is slated to open for the 2019 professional season.
Roc Ventures is launching the club, which will play in a new ballpark that is be constructed as part of the $125-milion Ballpark Commons development. That mixed-use development in suburban Milwaukee will feature the 4,000-capacity ballpark, along with a slate of amenities that includes retail, dining options, a driving range, and apartments. From Fox6 News:
“It’s independent of Major League baseball. It is Double-A, Triple-A level baseball. A lot of people confuse that with the Chinooks or the Kingfish, which is summer collegiate, so this is a step above,” said Mike Zimmerman, ROC Ventures CEO.
The City of Franklin is contributing $23 million to the $125 million development; a taxpayer investment Franklin’s mayor hopes to get back.
“We know we’ll get the $23 million back. The issue is how quickly we do it. In the time frame we’ve projected, it works out real well,” said Steve Olson, Franklin mayor.
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