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More delays for new P-Nationals ballpark

Potomac NationalsMore delays for a new Potomac Nationals (High Class A; Carolina League) ballpark, as owner Art Silber says a 2014 opening is now the most likely outcome.

It’s been an interesting year for Silber and crew, as promises to unveil details of a replacement for Pfitzner Stadium have been delayed again and again while the team, a developer and Prince William County hash out the details of a new ballpark along the I-95 corridor. We’ve been close several times before, but now both Silber and Price William County officials say they’ll have an announcement in a few weeks, along with renderings and maybe an announcement of a naming-rights deal.

“There’s not a lot of new information, but we’re still going forward,” said P-Nats GM Josh Olerud. “We’re still very happy with progress we’re making. We’re very optimistic that before end of season, there will be an announcement.”

RELATED STORIES: Surprise, surprise: P-Nats ballpark decision put off againP-Nats expand ballpark search areaPfitzner Stadium field to be upgradedAs Harper skips Potomac, Silber works on ballpark solutionP-Nats, Prince William County working on new ballpark plan


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