In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of “Inflation Day” of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, and, subsequently, the 2010 “Deflation Day,” the St. Paul Saints (independent; American Association) announced a Metrodome Whoopee Cushion giveaway during the 2011 season.
The first 2,500 fans attending the Saints vs. Sioux Falls Pheasants game on Saturday, May 14 will walk away with the commemorative item.
Many Minnesotans remember the most dramatic day in Metrodome history with “Inflation Day” that occurred on October 2, 1981. Few will forget the events of December 12, 2010 when three panels of the roof were damaged during a blizzard that paralyzed the Twin Cities and forced a Vikings/Giants game to be moved to Detroit.
“We felt that the nature of this giveaway best embodies the collective feelings of Minnesotans as they watched the Dome collapse,” said Saints Executive Vice President/General Manger Derek Sharrer. “The event continues to tear at the fabric of the community. This is an opportunity for fans to relieve themselves with a deflating of their own. It then will be behind us.”
While the Metrodome’s roof is made up of 800,000 square feet of fabric, a whoopee cushion is two rubber sheets glued along the edges. The roof utilizes up to 20 fans, blowing 250,000 cubic feet of air pressure per minute to remain inflated. A whoopee cushion takes someone with enough hot air to blow it up.
The whoopee cushion dates back to 1930 and was invented by employees of the JEM Rubber Co.
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