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Kingfish unveil new mascot: King Elvis the First

King Elvis the First

The Kenosha Kingfish (summer collegiate; Northwoods League) unveiled their new mascot: King Elvis the First.

Clad in white nylon jumpsuit with sparkly gold trim, the six-and-a-half-foot tall, wobbly King Elvis is ready to meet and greet fans of all ages in Kenosha and surrounding communities. Elvis signed autographs, posed for photos and passed out Kingfish crowns to the approximately 150 guests in attendance at the unveiling event last week.

Like any good mascot, Elvis speaks only through actions and gestures and not in words. Therefore, Kingfish General Manager Jake McGhee spoke on behalf of the fuzzy and friendly character. “Elvis is excited to finally meet the people of Kenosha,” McGhee said. “He looks forward to being an integral part of the community and adding to the lively game day atmosphere at Simmons Field starting on May 31.“

In the spirit of election season, the Kingfish also announced the “Elvis For King” Campaign. Between now and May 31, Elvis will be canvassing the area with public appearances. Elvis currently has more than 30 community events scheduled with more to be added.

The Kingfish begin play this summer at a renovated Simmons Field.

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