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Pecos League at ten for 2013

Pecos LeagueThe independent Pecos League will go with ten teams in 2013, after the decision was made to add the Raton Osos to the circuit instead of moving some Trinidad Triggers games there.

The lineup: in addition to Raton and Trinidad, the league will field the following teams: Alpine Cowboys, Las Cruces Vaqueros, Las Vegas (N.M.) Train Robbers, Pecos Bills, Roswell Invaders, Santa Fe Fuego, Taos Blizzard and White Sands Pupfish). This means four new teams in the league — an awfully large undertaking, considering three of the four teams will be owned by the league and not owner/operators.

The game plan had been to split the Triggers between Trinidad and Raton for the 2013 season, but after looking at the markets, the decision was made to place two teams there.

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